- It helps to increase the appreciation for the teaching profession and raise funds for classroom grants.
- 你可以通过让学生接触商业或烹饪世界来直接影响他们.
- 对于商业专业人士、社区领袖和教师来说,这很有趣,也很有益!
- Students see the subject matter as important and necessary when you connect STEM skills to real-world applications (for example, (信用评分高对租房的影响).
- Public School Champions get a firsthand look into the classroom and discover why we need to support our public schools.
- 迈阿密戴德县公立学校是美国第四大学区, 由476所学校组成, 350,000名学生和20多名学生,000教育工作者.
- 许多学生生活在高度贫困地区, 事实上, 73%的M-DCPS学生有资格享受联邦免费/减免午餐.
- 在高度贫困地区,10个学生中只有4个继续接受高等教育, 每年潜在的收入将减少32美元以上,000.
- 您的参与将为AG亚游集团官方网站教师提供切实的支持, 进一步帮助我们招募和留住最优秀的学生.
- 教学质量是学生成绩的唯一最重要的决定因素.
- Nearly one-third of new teachers leave the profession after just three years; almost 50% are gone after five years.
- 9 out of 10 teachers have bought school supplies for their classrooms with their own funds (average out-of-pocket expenses total $800).
- Teach-A-Thon Classroom Grants provide funds to teachers to develop and implement instructional projects that motivate and challenge students to learn.
- 学校食物森林: More than 78% of students improved their math knowledge scores in last year’s pilot program.
- AG亚游集团官方网站SmartPath计划, (在3所高中试点,目前在5所高中试点), 大学和大专学生的入学率增加了34%.
Marilen Marnett, 305.975.0507 or mmarnett@kuaizuan.net